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How to Become a DevOps Engineer

How to Become a DevOps Engineer

If you wish to become a DevOps engineer, become proficient in various aspects of software engineering and business operations. Try to learn at least process management, sockets, virtualisation, I/O management, file systems, and threads and concurrency. Since most DevOps engineers work in Linux, you should consider going through the Linux Administration Bootcamp to learn about Linux OS. DevOps is a vast environment that covers almost all technologies and processes. Typically, DevOps engineers are senior developers or system administrators with business, configuration, operation, automation, and leadership skills.

Everything that you’ll need To Be a DevOps Engineer in Sydney – Tech Guide

Everything that you’ll need To Be a DevOps Engineer in Sydney.

Posted: Fri, 02 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The continuous integration/delivery pipeline is essential to software development under DevOps. As we explained in a previous article, continuous integration is a software development practice where developers merge every code change they do into a single repository. They might be involved in creating software prototypes, running tests on new and upgraded software, integrating systems, and ensuring data security. To become a DevOps engineer, you’ll need technical and interpersonal skills.


Configuration management is at the heart of fast software development. Poorly configured tools waste time, while well-configured tools save it. For legacy workloads you may automate the creation of a VM image. As such, you need to know how to build your own Docker images (Linux skills required!) and deploy them using Kubernetes. FaaS technology like AWS Lambda also uses container technology behind the scenes. Once you understand the resources applicable to a cloud, you’re ready to automate their creation using tools such as Terraform and Ansible. When most DevOps hiring managers look for a new employee, they’re more concerned with mindset than with tools.

  • You might also pursue a bachelor’s degree program with a relevant area of emphasis.
  • With the right skillset and job search strategy, you can be in your DevOps dream job very soon.
  • First and most important to the DevOps career path is a passion for learning, knowledge, and logic.
  • Previously System Admins had to complete lots of fixes, restructurings, deployments and small bits and pieces manually.
  • So it is essential to have a good understanding of programming, APIs, etc.

Entails the process of getting as much data as you can about your infrastructure in order to make informed operational decisions. My job is basically to let developers be developers, making sure that they’re not blocked by anything and removing as much noise as possible from the operational side. A single team of five to seven DevOps engineers takes ownership of a single component or application as much as possible. The more capabilities you give them, the less likely they’ll need to wait on some other team for two weeks. Additionally, employers are looking for candidates with soft skills, including excellent interpersonal and organizational skills and the ability to juggle multiple responsibilities at the same time.

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DevOps engineers build out and manage IT infrastructures and provide support for their users. They may supervise and collaborate with the development, security, and operations team to improve a company’s infrastructure security. When working in this position, you’ll utilize different plugins and tools for the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. In that case, the logical first step is earning a bachelor’s degree in a discipline related to math, computer science, or electronics engineering, with a focus on software development. DevOps engineers are responsible for an application or piece of software from development through testing, infrastructure deployment, application deployment and end-user feedback.

Infrastructure as code is a practice by which you create, configure and update your infrastructure by writing code and applying it. Test Driven Development – While not strictly necessary, this approach is often recommended as a way to make sure that your code is always fully tested before it goes into the server. Before learning CI/CD I recommend you learn Trunk Based Development and how it compares to other branching models. Unix Power Tools— A long list of tools that usually come bundled with Linux. Don’t feel daunted by the size, you will probably only use about 20% of it. Some people claim that the title DevOps Engineer shouldn’t exist, because DevOps is ‘a culture’ or ‘a way of working’—not a role. The job title DevOps Engineer is thrown around a lot and it means different things to different people.

How Do I Become a DevOps Engineer?

This idea pits two teams against each other, one with an ultimate goal of stability, the other with an ultimate goal of change. The friction this generated meant that updates were done infrequently to avoid disruption. But before we get into it, it’s important to first understand what is meant by DevOps. So basically he should also know Java or any high level programming language. Must read for anyone who is seeking a job in Kubernetes or DevOps. In reality, If you are hired as a “DevOps Engineer,” you might fall in any one of the following teams in an organization.

Companies want DevOps Engineers that are proficient in all stages of app development. Practice is key and there are multiple software tools that are helpful in completing each phase. Today, how to become a devops engineer most companies want to utilize the cloud for storage, accessibility, and security. Certifications in AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud will make you more marketable to potential employers.

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